Its been too long now since I last posted something, so here goes – this is a drawing from a set of drawings about crying. yes crying. I have been lucky enough to get some of my work published by Atlantic Press due for release in September/October time, the small hard-back book will be (hopefully) created from the same methodology as before, drawings on top of drawings, drawing out the story intuitively.
So I am going to attempt to post more based on my research into why we cry and what the point of them is.
1 comment:
lately i've been nearly crying just talking about things... its this nearly thats interesting... and the way that one tear might 'leak' out...and they have been tears of joy, of love, not of sadness and hurt.
the way tears 'well' up inside is so interesting isnt it? which is a good phrase with your man there, who does indeed look like he's in a well of some sort... its like tears are what the outside world sees of the feelings inside you... like in ghostbusters when the slime comes off slimer. like they come from a different world, or the emotion does but the tears are a thing that joins that world and the outside world; form our inner world and the outer world, reality.
yadda yadda...
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